"It is only in the mind of curators. Legitimate artist is not allowed to freely spit a drop of ink on the paper."
Richard Kitta / Juha Seppälä / Daniela Olejníková / Nadžib Mahfúz / Marc Bell / Morton Feldman + Iannis Xenakis / Martin Burlas / Juraj Briškár / Matúš Vizár + Michal Löwy / Ruud Van Empel / Tomáš Makara / Ian McEwan / Acsai + Sirokai + Bálint / Lenka Suchá + Dalimír Stano / Anders Nilsen / Mel Kadel / Gro Dahle
104 pages / Slovak language
A4 / hardback / spiral / full color / font Teuton
ISSN 1338-1946
Dive Buki © 2011
price / € 5
SOLD OUT / e-version available soon
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