Archive IV_1

Milan Adamčiak / Archive IV

Archive IV (ACTS) /
Actions, performances, projects, concepts and exhibitions

by Milan Adamčiak & Michal Murin (ed.)

The last book in a serie of Archives contains the actions, performances, projects, concepts and exhibitions of the Slovak intermedia artist Milan Adamčiak. The texts on Transmusic Comp. group activities has been prepared by Michal Murin.

"My memory ends when I came back from the United States. I do not need to remember what becomes later, because I did not anticipate it, nor plan or project it, I did not count with that as an option, which should really happen."

DVD – DOTS.LINES.SHAPES. is an exclusive part of the book made in collaboration with Cluster Ensemble.

389 pages / Slovak language
5.9 x 5.9 in / hardback / BW / font Myriad Pro
ISBN 978-80-89677-06-1

DVD / 2191-002-9 / SOZA BIEM
Dive Buki © 2014/16


Cena / 19,50 €