

Ultrasonic toys

Miha Ciglar is a composer and researcher in the field of audio technologies. In 2008, Ciglar founded the Institute for Sonic Arts Research - IRZU. He is the initiator of the international sonic arts festival EarZoom. In 2011 he founded Ultrasonic audio technologies – a start-up company, developing a wide range of products including new musical interface controllers based on non-contact tactile feedback and computer vision.

Wood in Holywood

"I don’t remember any fairy tales that left an impact on me. But, I was totally into Shel Silverstein when I was young.  He is still one of my favorite people that carried a pen. He wrote and illustrated the most bizarre short stories, at least for my little 7 year old eyes. The language was so colorful; everything rhymed.  But, the stories and drawings were very curious and strange. It was my first window into humor and art wrapped up into one."